Monday, August 22, 2011

Mr. Publisher: Master The Secrets of Publishing Archives

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An Authors Poem

When the morning comes I awake, standing to my feet I rub my eyes, Vastly I run to make the coffee. Then off to the computer room I go Reaching below the desk I find the on/off switch
As my coffee is brewing so begins my mind I begin to ponder on which subject I will write on today.

Then it begins the swarm of thoughts oh what will I do; they just will not stop one after the other I cannot seem to put them all on paper so frantically I grab my tape recorder switching it on, I begin to talk, busting out every thought that comes to mind. 

Then the brain storm stops I go and fetch the ever so needed coffee; then its off to my old friend I go I begin to type, often I wonder if my friend ever gets tired of me beating on him all day long I strike his keys never does he flee, hand and hand we work like a team.

As we work together it seems like just a few minutes have gone by then I soon realize it has been hours that have flown on by, oh but for the love of writing, I and my friend work hand in hand all day long as we type our soon to be master piece 


The Bloggers Adsense Guide To Success

Google Ad-Sense has become the number one player in making money on the Internet. As a blogger one of the most important things that we must worry about is understanding how to implement the appropriate keywords that will increase your visibility on the search engine optimizers.

How would you like to be a blogger making $19,000 in one month. It is very possible; only in you utilize the wealth of knowledge on the Internet to better assist you "The Blogger" in understanding the great techniques of implementing keywords within your blog. What is their secret in gaining Google success? It is simple they write articles on webpages that use high traffic, as well as you they use profitable keywords within there blogs.
As a blogger it is recommended that your blog has these same profitable keywords within it.

Not just any keywords, you must use profitable keywords. You have to find keywords that your customers use and that your competitors do not use. Their are many tools available through the net that enables a blogger to thoroughly research the keywords that will enhance the visibility of your article. The more visible your article is the higher the chances of more traffic to your site.

Word-tracker {} is the leading keyword research tool. SEO professionals worldwide use this tool to find profitable keywords. Word-tracker does extensive research on the most profitable keywords searched within a 90 day period on the word wide web Blogging researchers have found that those companies that invest more time analyzing the common keywords to the most profitable keywords offers the blogger the best ability to make money.

After watching the video below you will be filled with a wealth of understanding when it comes to researching and using keywords. Though Wordtracker does cost money to use, you must remember by investing money you will will enhance your visibility thus giving you the higher chances of a visitor clicking one of your Google ads and making Google profit.

KeywordDiscovery is also a very popular keyword research tool and is a major competitor to Wordtracker. KeywordDiscovery compiles keyword search statistics from over 180 search engines world wide. Unlike Wordtracker; Keyworddiscovery researches more of search engines with the intent of broadening the Geographic’s of your visitors. 

Traffic is the key element to a bloggers financial success; by implementing keywords that are profitable the blogger will find a higher Google click rate through out their blogs. So always remember the more visibility you have for your blog site the more traffic you will gain; with having more traffic the higher the chances you will have in making more Google revenue.

To read more about implementing keywords please follow this link for a step by step instructional guide to keyword success. Come back and visit as I will be publishing my next hub: Success in blogging part 2 

Understanding the power of the Blogosphere

What is the blogosphere? Blogosphere is the world of bloggers. The blogosphere is a phenomenon that the internet world is experiencing today. You can go on the worldwide web and usually you will find a blog right away.

In today’s society Blogging has become one of the greatest ways to get informed on information be it from the Hollywood Stars or the political mess on the hill. If you want to know what is going on “read a blog”
Different from the normal newspaper the reader of a blog can post there comment; as well as their point of view to the blogs subject or content. If a blog is written right; the blogger will find that sometimes that their content will even spark a major debate creating a community based forum. It is then that the blogger will make the money he or she had desired to make.

Now if you are a blogger (One who writes a blog) you have to be willing to face that only a few “Bloggers” will make it in the industry. Yes, blogging has become a marketable industry! How does one make money blogging:

It is very simple; write content that is filled with rich information on the niche that you have chosen. Follow the same niche with every article that you write about. For example on this blog my primary niche is how to become successful writing and publishing.

All the content that I write about is explaining the key steps of being successful in the writing world. So when my readers come to my blog site they are expecting to read about successful writing and publishing tips. However if I write about how to take a successful trip to Disney world it is then that I am taking a chance on losing my return readers who come to read about publishing and writing.

Also by writing on multiple topics; the blogger can also expect to suffer with low S.E.O rankings; why you ask? The S.E.O crawlers will give a higher ranking to blog sites that are filled with rich content that targets one subject; and blogs that are filled with rich content in regards to that chosen subject.

So in conclusion can a blogger make a living with blogging? Some can; however, it is as rare as getting a signed contract with a publishing house. Just like an author seeking a contract; the blogger must be determined and also offer content that is worth reading; and also write blogs that are worth the reader desiring to return to your site.

If a blogger wants to make it big within then the blogosphere then he or she must be willing to spend a lot of their time researching content. Enabling them to write better content on relevant that the general reader desires and are interested in reading; like politics, news, and consumer information on products. It is important that a blogger keeps in mind the in the blogosphere there is more than 50,000,000 bloggers writing and publishing content daily. Saying this then a blogger must know that blogging is very competitive and challenging.
So one of the main tools that a blogger must utilize is read other blogs; by reading other blogs the fellow blogger is staying hip to what is trending throughout the blogosphere.

To make it in the Blogosphere world you must be willing to chase the news and write rich content that is being searched and desired to read by those who are trending the net for relevant and good content.


I am a blogger from years past. I have blogged about Christian stuff to just everyday common stuff. Since my niche is a large area in subject, I try to dedicate myself in writing from my heart.
Many times blogger's struggle with their content; I believe this caused by bloggers trying to use wisdom rather passion. You ask well how else will you get a resourceful and useful blog?

Well, if you are writing from your heart than your passion will show your quality of the work. The delivery of your work will be more acceptable by the reader.

Many of us blog for some kind of gain; be it for proclamation claim or monetary claim; we all write for a reason.
However I have seen that many times the old time bloggers get stuck and start trying to write material that just does not follow the same kind of quality as they used to write; I see them get frustrated; one by one they leave their sites feeling defeated as if they never could write the same again.

However the one thing that will help them regains their success is for them to again write from their heart; having a focus and a passion driven mindset is the true style all of us bloggers should be dedicated in writing like.
Experience does not always allow the blogger to find success; however having the reader feel the written words of the writers heart leaves a brand and unique style on the writer’s image I guarantee many of your readers will find their way back to read more and more of your blogs written from your heart

Understanding Manuscript Formatting

As a writer, as well as a publisher, I have seen many writers freak on it when they realize that in order to self publish there own book they must format there Manuscript. 

Manuscript formatting is not as hard as writer’s think it is.
When formatting a manuscript a writer must look at several different things.

One of the most important things that a writer must look at is what type editing software they are using. Often time’s independent writers will use Microsoft Word. Microsoft word is alright to use however as a writer you must be willing to purchase the needed add on that will be required to make your editing and formatting experience more successful.
Microsoft by itself is a good word processor however it is not equipped to assist the writer in maintains a success of a manuscript.

A software that can be purchased as an ad on to go with Microsoft word in the internet of having more success with Manuscript formatting is a software called whitesmoke. This software is an editing tool that assists the writer in building a stronger manuscript by suggesting a larger vocabulary with in the text.

When a writer wants to use whitesmoke as an additional editing they would type out there complete manuscript and then they would execute the function seven key. This tells Microsoft that you want to execute the white smoke ad on. This will put your highlighted text in a separate box highlighting words that are miss spelt or used against any English rule the writer is ready to edit there work using Microsoft word .

The software comes with thesauruses that the writer can use when trying to enhance the books vocabulary.
Another great ad on for Microsoft word is Perfectit though this software is not as detailed as whitesmoke it does offer the tool of checking all punctuation errors. This tool will run a complete scan within your formatted manuscript and tell you anything that is punctuated wrong. Perfecit also tells the author when he/she has used too many punctuation marks as well.

Though often times as writers we find ourselves stressing over manuscript formatting in all actuality if we use the tools available to assist us; we will find ourselves doing less work.
There is an old saying, “Work smarter not harder”. In order for the writer to find success they must use good time management skills these software’s that I have written about will assist the writer in there ability to Format a manuscript successfully within a descent time frame.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Five Key Principals of Success For Self-Published Authors Marketing and Promotional Campaigning Techniques

As an author we must be willing to take time and build a marketing and promotional campaign and apply them to our daily agenda; with the ultimate goal of finding success as a self-published author!
In this hub we are going to talk about the five principals of Successful Marketing

1. Marketing is time consuming and rewarding:

As a Self-Published Author we must know right at the begging that we are not only an author but we are also a marketer. Marketing is time consuming and must be organized. Writing a scheduled outline helps me when I am trying to reach my marketing goals.

2. Personal Finances:

If you are not willing to spend your personal finances then I have only one suggestion to you, do not self-publish. It is best that all Self-Publishing authors keep a mindset that “One has to spend money to make money”.

Yes of course there should be limits to how much a self-publishing author spends before he or she starts seeing a return. However also keep in mind in the first two years you are more than likely going to lose money before gaining the substantial income you have expected to make

3. Knowledge of the market within the genre that you are trying to market in:
Research your genres market. Research the numbers!! Just like researching for good content, the author should also research the market with the content and genre he or she has chosen. (By doing this type of research you may also get clues to how successful your book will be within the population of your chosen genre before you begin your writing project).

Build a market plan based on the outcome of your research. Make extensive research notes. Spend time analyzing the general population that would purchase your book. This will help you develop rich content to add to your text of your book.

4. Dedication :

As a writer/author we must be willing to be dedicated. The most successful self-published author is the one who will dedicate himself/herself as a fulltime writer/marketer.

Time is money so the more time you spend the more potential you have in building your marketing success. As an Author it helps us to have the mindset that success comes with full dedication.

We must take our writing serious; have a daily agenda laid out. Within the agenda have daily goals to reach and try to reach those goals daily and do not cheat stay on task and to follow your daily agenda. Take being a self-published author serious, it is your job; however, you are the owner so you do not get paid by the time you spend on a project; you get paid by your success you gain throughout your writing and marketing abilities. Good time management is going to be the essential key to your success.

5. Confidence:
As an Author confidence can be our best friend or our worst enemy. During the process of marketing and writing our book our self-esteem will be challenged by others as well as our self. As an Author we can be our worst enemy and the very tool that destroys our success.

Be confident in your writing ability!!! Have the mindset that you are a good writer. If you are faced with the challenge of other giving you harsh criticism take it as training and a way to better your writing, look at as they are helping you gain success.

By following these five principals the author/writer will find themselves more organized as well as goal oriented. Success is bound to come. Again remember time is money and money is time; so in closing let me reiterate good time management is the ultimate key that will help all self-publishing authors gain their marketing and promotional success.